The PGE’s
Mission & Vision

Our Mission

Our mission is to unite Filipino travelers, creating a supportive community for global explorations, and to leverage our collective knowledge and experiences to make a positive impact on the Philippines and its communities.

Our Vision

Our vision is to be the leading global community of Filipino world travelers creating a positive impact in travel thought leadership, education, culture, tourism, and international relations.

Our Core Values

  • One Global Community
  • Responsibility
  • Respect
  • Spirit of Adventure
  • Collaboration
  • Service

Our Objectives

  1. To connect and bring together Filipino travelers worldwide;
  2. To cultivate a supportive community, where members encourage and inspire each other and help other members reach their travel goals
  3. To harness the strength of our network, our collective knowledge and our experiences to serve our country.
    1. Foster education through travel for the Filipino youth
    2. Become a strategic thought partner for the Tourism Board.
    3. Develop collaborative relationships with the domestic tourism industry to help them achieve their goals
  4. To advocate sustainable and responsible travel.
    1. To devise and implement certification and accreditation programs
  5. To advocate for treaties and other international agreements according to Filipino travelers’ dispensation to enter countries sans visa or other conditional authorization on territorial entry to foster ties and cultural exchanges among nations thereby promoting the superiority of the Philippine passport; 
  6. To help make the Philippines an important travel destination through the advocacy on the preservation of its cultural and historical heritage and for incorporation in tourism infrastructures;

Make a Difference. Build Connections.

Be a part of our growing community. Together we can make things happen and give back to the Phillippines.

Join Now

Making a difference & building the PGE travel community since July 2019


Fund Raised


Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws

The Philippine Global Explorers have been granted the Certificate of Incorporation by the Philippines Securities and Exchange Commission.

The Incorporators of the PGE non-profit entity are Riza Rasco, Jimmy Buhain, Mars Mendoza, Rambi Francisco, Nolan Tianco, and Dondon Bales.

Philippine Global Explorers Articles of Incorporation

Philippine Global Explorers ByLaws (Amended December 2022)

Get in Touch. Get Involved.

Thank you for your kindness and for being a part of our journey. Together, we can bring a brighter future for the Philippines.

6 Sampaloc St, Bay, Laguna, Philippines

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