PGE: Welcome, Benison! It is great to have you with us in PGE, a meteorologist in the house! Can you tell us a bit about yourself?

PGE: Your travels have sparked quite a conversation among fellow explorers. Let’s dive into what ignited your wanderlust!

PGE: That sounds amazing for a first trip abroad! What was your first big adventure like?

PGE: Tell us about a travel moment that made a huge impact on you!

PGE: Have you ever had a travel experience that pushed you out of your comfort zone?

PGE: That’s quite the story and you must have been truly concerned! Any travel mishaps that turned into great tales?

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PGE: What did you learn from that experience?

PGE: Wow,  that can make a great travel quote! Do you have an all-time favorite travel spot?

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PGE: Ah, yes Gaudi, the master and his masterpieces. So, what’s next on your travel bucket list?

PGE: Do you have any hobbies you love incorporating into your travels?

PGE: What’s your top piece of advice for anyone dreaming of traveling more?

PGE: What’s one major lesson you’ve learned from your travels?

PGE: How did you come about finding and joining PGE? How has being part of PGE enriched your travel experiences?

PGE: How do you use your personal travel experiences to spread the travel love and connect with fellow explorers?

PGE: Thanks for sharing your adventures, Benison! Your passion for travel is contagious, and we can’t wait to see where your journey takes you next!

Benison: The pleasure is all mine! You may follow me on my Instagram account, @benisonestareja; subscribe on my YouTube, @meteorologistbenison or maybe we can be friends on Facebook – @meteorologistbenison.